How to be ambitious without burning out
Welcome to the Missing
Peace Coach podcast.
This podcast is for physicians and high
achieving professionals who want to find
satisfaction in their work and home life.
Again, I'm a mom, pediatric critical
care physician, business owner, mindset
expert, and multi certified coach.
Let's get started.
Welcome back to today's episode today.
We're talking about.
How to be ambitious without burning out.
Now fair warning.
You might be terribly annoyed
with me for telling you this.
But one of the most simplest.
Things that you can do
to satisfy your ambition.
Without burning out.
Is to constrain your ambition.
To constrain your ambition
can be one of those.
Um, one of the most pivotal simplest
things you can do to avoid burning out.
This brings up one of my most favorite
quotes of all time that the medicine you
seek is the discipline you're avoiding.
And for a high achiever,
this is so natural, right?
It seems so easy to do so many
things at the same time, because
you simply think you can.
And to even think or perceive, or
have the perception that you have to
choose specific things to focus on.
And putting certain things
to the side feels painful.
It actually feels uncomfortable.
I understand it happens to me too.
And you almost want to have
an adult tantrum about it.
Like, no, I want to do all the things
I love wanting to do all these things.
I w I have to do all these things.
But if you're truly dedicated
to wanting to avoid burnout.
You want to avoid the cycle of
doing all these things and then
feeling completely overwhelmed and
overextended, and then either the thing
is completed, but you're exhausted
or the thing is procrastinated on.
And then once you complete it, you
go into this cocooning season there.
You don't speak to anyone.
You don't go out.
You're not doing anything.
It's almost like you're
recovering from the flu.
And a goal flew essentially.
And before you step out.
You step out again, when you
feel rigid and rejuvenated,
you ready for all the things.
And then the cycle repeats itself.
You want to stop doing that cycle?
That's the burnout cycle.
You want to stop doing that?
And the way to do that?
To satisfy your ambition while also.
Um, avoiding burnout is to constrain
it as scenario, your focus of the
key things you want to accomplish.
And the way coaching could help you do
this is not only help you choose what
to focus on, but help you process the
discomfort, the uncomfortable emotions
that come up when you want to entertain
doing more than what you are committed to.
Because sometimes people just need
to learn how to commit to one thing.
It commitments, not the
issue it's committing to.
One thing is what we
need to learn, how to do.
Because you're trying to be
committed to too many things.
You have to learn how
to commit to that one.
Thing you will accomplish more in that
area of your life sooner and quicker.
But because you're diluting your
ambition essentially to multiple
different areas of your life.
You're becoming ineffective.
And as a high achiever, I know
you despise being ineffective.
I know this cause I'm also here as well.
I need someone to help mirror back to me,
my commitments and help mirror back to me.
How constraining my ambition
is for me, not against me.
I need someone to remind myself
the season of life that I'm in.
And help me narrow down the
decisions that need my attention.
And constrained my ambition.
So I'm effective in that area of my life.
That's my focus.
You likely have been diluting
your ambition and I can show
you the results with that.
And I don't want you to answer that burden
on cyclet again, not for you, not for me.
And it doesn't serve anyone.
It doesn't serve.
The people that you're serving
your family, it doesn't serve
the intention of our lives.
For sure.
Doesn't represent my embodiment, my
Maverick mindset in a way that matches
my values and my intention for my life.
But how you constrain your ambition
is up to you and you'd get to
decide that for yourself as you
become your own point of reference.
There can be people that give you
advice, suggestions, the strategy.
But at the end of the day, you have
to decide for yourself, this is match.
What I want for my life.
Does this match?
My intention does this
match my season, my values.
Because with that with constraining
ambition and also means constraining your
stimulation, constraining your input.
Now I know you like to learn.
I know you love to consume knowledge.
Constraining your ambition also
means constraining the amount
of knowledge that comes to you.
The amount of knowledge that
you consume constraining the
amount of teachers you listen to.
Constraining your ambition to learn.
We'll help you prevent and
avoid the burnout cycle.
We love learning.
We L we value the not revalue knowledge.
Of course.
We love the value of knowledge,
but we need to learn how to
constrain our pursuit of knowledge.
Uh, way to help our brain understand
this and to let it restore itself is
to understand resourcing and resting.
When we constrain our ambition
will able to learn how to resource
ourselves better because it's
spending less on energy on consuming.
And more energy on restoration.
And it gives space and time to digest
the inputs that are happening instead
of trying to metabolize so much at once.
What you learn in the, in your
pursuit of your knowledge in that.
Area of constraint ambition.
You're able to metabolize it in
a way that makes integration so
much more easier and seamless.
Because it is exhausting to digest so
much information and input at the same
time we need our brains to have space.
To for integration and time to do that.
And we all operate on different levels.
So that's dependent on person, a person.
Even though we may be
enjoying what we're learning.
Our brain might not feel the
same way on a cellular level.
We have to understand that we are human.
And we have to understand our human
capacities for certain things.
And also that it will change
depending on the season we're in.
So even though you love to learn.
Um, you understand your brain
in more ways than one, you
have to give it time to digest.
There was a time period of my life,
where I listened to podcasts all day.
All day.
It's not healthy.
I had to learn how my devouring of
knowledge is B is making me ineffective
because it's not letting my brain rest.
I want to be effective in different
areas of my life in different ways.
And I need to learn how to.
Strategically manage my energy for so.
To be able to make executive
decisions, especially when, in
moments, when they're important.
If we're constantly spending energy and
consuming knowledge, we don't have enough
energy to make effective decisions.
That's why we end up making crappy
decisions about food while we skip our
workouts, while we snap at our kids.
How is this showing up in your work?
So constraining your ambition with
their goals, with your focuses,
with your desire to learn.
We'll serve you.
It will not hurt you.
It will not.
Hold you back, it will move you forward.
That's my offering for you today, I
would love to hear what resonated for you.
Let me know what comes up when
you think about constraining.
When, you know, there's certain
things that you're like, yeah, I
should probably put that to the
side and come back to it later date.
What comes up for you?
What does your mind tell you?
What do you feel in your body?
What comes up?
I would love to hear your experience.
Send me an email, send me a
DM on LinkedIn or Instagram.
And I will catch you on the next episode.
Take care.