The Evolution of a High Achiever Mindset
Welcome to the Missing
Peace Coach podcast.
This podcast is for physicians and high
achieving professionals who want to find
satisfaction in their work and home life.
Again, I'm a mom, pediatric critical
care physician, business owner, mindset
expert, and multi certified coach.
Let's get started.
Today, we're talking about the
evolution of the high achiever mindset.
So if we do a quick Google
search on high-achiever.
Like what's the high achiever.
So Merriam Webster offers a person who
achieved success, a successful person who
is dedicated to their studies to the work.
And enjoys the results of their efforts.
And, uh, I think another one,
essentially as someone who is,
who does more than the average.
So I think we can agree that high
achiever mindset is one that sets
her sights on something challenging
of a specific level of achievement.
Why is this important?
Because I think we currently
have a rigid way of thinking of
what a high achiever mindset is.
And I don't think it's serving
us because I think it's,
what's contributing to burnout.
And I'll talk about the pitfalls
of high-achiever mindset,
specifically in a different episode.
But what I'm seeking with this.
Episode right now is essentially to
offer you a paradigm shift in how we are
thinking about high achiever mindset.
And to evolve it into something
called a Maverick mindset.
So Maverick mindset.
Maverick, the word in itself is
defined by being independently minded.
Well, the initial version of
Maverick is unbranded cattle.
But it kind of holds the same
essence of being independent minded.
And it's really about becoming
your own point of reference.
The issue with high-achiever mindset is
it's dependent on an external point of
reference is dependent on an external
achievement outside of yourself.
There's this expectation, or even
a low key sense of entitlement and
what the achievement is supposed to
give you and what experience it's
supposed to give you at the same time.
And sometimes it essentially
really just falls flat.
Sometimes it doesn't meet our
expectation and we're constantly
striving for something outside of
ourselves to give us that experience.
We yearn for.
And I believe to the solution
to that struggle to that cycle.
That contributes to burn out at the same
time is evolving to a Maverick mindset is
becoming independent minded to become your
own point of reference of how you want to
live your life and what you strive for.
And how we do that.
How we become our own point of
reference, how we center our decisions,
our beliefs, and what our values are,
is setting core values is centering
our values and that being our locus.
The valleys should be set for ourselves.
They can range from person to person
and they can also evolve depending
on the season of life that you're in.
But they're there to support you
and how you want to live your life.
Because up until now, we have been living
on beliefs and different ideologies
that have been given to us versus
us critically examining and choosing
intentionally what that really means for
us and how we want to think about it.
We're told what to
think, not how to think.
And what Maverick mindset gives
us is to be able to learn how
to think for ourselves in a way
that feels true and aligned.
To the way that we want to live, how we
want to live for ourselves through value
based decision and intentional living.
This is a key.
Tenant of how to avoid burnout
is learning how to live in a
way that feels true to you.
Not in a way that you
think you're supposed to.
Developing a Maverick mindset is to think
independent from external circumstances.
To think independent from
Colt, what society says, what
we're supposed to be doing.
It's a way to live
outside of that paradigm.
When you develop a Maverick mindset,
you become so true to yourself and
you set a strong foundation of how you
want to live your life and you achieve
a true level of personal liberation.
One that is hard to describe.
It can only be experienced.
That's the evolution of a high achiever
mindset, because being part of, because.
Part of being high achiever
is you don't like complacency.
You are allergic to it.
I know this.
, complacency is not an option
and this is the movement.
With the evolution of high achiever
mindset is like we're no longer being
complacent, how humanity operates and
move on to the next step of thinking
the next level of thinking for
ourselves in a completely different way.
Still have goals.
Still aim for achievements.
Still aim for excellence.
But now it's defining that form
of excellence to your personal
excellence, becoming your point of
reference rather than externalizing.
What excellence means for you?
So, as I already mentioned, the
first step to the belly of your
Maverick mindset is getting very,
very clear on what your values are.
What are your core values?
Have you really thought about this
and intentionally chosen a fi a set
of five core values that you use
to filter your decisions through.
And making sure that these values
feel true and present to you for
your current season of your life.
It's important to understand that
we don't want to choose values that
feel aspirational, that feel in the
future that it, it, it would be nice.
No, we want true values that feel
present for us in the current season
of our life to help support us and set
the foundation of where we are today.
Asking questions, like what do you value?
What is important to you?
And one way to reverse engineer.
If you have trouble coming up with.
Values is highlighting.
What takes you off?
What really bothers you?
What are your pet peeves?
What do you hate?
What don't you appreciate I've
noticed that those things that
take you off the opposite of that
usually represents a value of yours.
So it's following that thread of thought,
like, what does that really about.
I would really want you to take
like, 20 minutes to ponder.
Take this time to really think about this.
To really ponder right.
Brain dump what values come up for you?
Cross out the ones that feel nice
or aspirational don't you don't
have a direct connection to it.
And circle the ones that feel absolute
like, no, these are, these are true to me.
I know full and well on these feel.
These will evolve.
These will change over time as
they should, as they are supposed
to because you, yourself, as
a human are evolving as well.
And we're not laminating these values.
We're not laminating our values because
we're leaving space for it to evolve.
But it's something that we definitely want
to center our mindset about because this
is the foundation of Maverick mindset,
how we base our decisions for our lives.
What is important to you?
So you got your five values, right?
You circled them.
Now start assessing the decisions
that you need to make in your life.
If you centered these values.
What would look different
in your life and why?
And understand why that would be.
And how could you transition
to that next phase?
What would you need to do?
What would you need to do
to make that a reality?
When you see the difference
between a not centering your
values and centering your values?
And understand that sometimes what
needs to be done when it's, when we want
to realign and live in an intentional
way with centering our values.
When we want to center a Maverick mindset.
The things that need to
be done may not feel good.
They may require hard.
Decisions and hard conversations.
But that, that difficultness doesn't
mean that it's the wrong decision.
It just means growth is uncomfortable.
And get support when you need it.
It's when the difficultness arises.
It doesn't mean it's the wrong decision
when there's a negative emotion.
That doesn't mean as a wrong
decision is just an opportunity.
And you want to do this with intention
because you want to live your life in a
way that feels amazing and aligned to you.
Through your values.
The next thing to get clear on and
really solidifying your Maverick mindset
is getting clear on your identity as
a different identities that you hold,
the different roles that you play.
Your identity as a human.
What does that mean to you?
Instead of using the definition that has
been handed to you, define it for yourself
as a woman, as a man nonbinary, what
does that, what does that mean to you?
Your identity as a physician, as a
professional, as a parent, Get clear on
what your identity means to you and don't
leave it up to society to find it for you.
I invite you to use a couple
of actives for that person.
So for me, my identities
as a mom, as a woman, as a
physician, as a business owner.
What comes up for me.
And every single role is I want
to be someone who is patient
present, loving, fun, and calm.
That's who I want to be.
And when I think about who I
want to be, then I think about
what does that person do?
When they're in those.
Uh, feelings when they're in that goal
of wanting to show up as that person.
How does that person show up?
That is me.
Putting into practice.
My Maverick mindset into my life.
That is the embodiment of Maverick
mindset is now bringing it down to
like, what does that look like on a
Tuesday, on a regular degular Tuesday?
How it's someone who wants to be
patient present, loving, fun, and calm.
As a mom, woman, business owner,
physician, what does that look like?
We are being very intentional about
how we want to show up in our lives.
This does not happen by default.
Default does not work.
We know this already.
We know, we need to think
intentionally we know the future.
Our future is built in the present.
You know that as a high achiever already,
we are evolving it to the next level.
The next level is a Maverick mindset.
This is what that looks like.
Because you have set and a
grounded foundation into who
you are and what you represent.
That is the next level of your life.
And that is my offering for you today.
Message me on LinkedIn
or send me an email.
My email will be in the show notes.
Let me know what comes up for you.
Really think about if I, if you centered
your values, how would your life look?
What would you be doing?
And what decisions would you need to make?
And also getting clear on who
you are, what identities you hold
and what does that mean to you?
How does that person show up?
Thank you so much for listening.
Thank you so much.
Uh, for being here and take care,
I'll see you on the next episode.