Your Humanity will change the world
Welcome to the Missing
Peace Coach podcast.
This podcast is for physicians and high
achieving professionals who want to find
satisfaction in their work and home life.
Again, I'm a mom, pediatric critical
care physician, business owner, mindset
expert, and multi certified coach.
Let's get started.
Welcome back to the podcast.
Um, I'm just getting back from a walk.
So I apologize if I sound super breathy.
But I wanted to get this out
because I'm a little hyped about it.
And I really think you need
to hear this right now.
I am passionate about how we will change
the world is through our humanity.
Is through understanding and accepting our
own humanity and doing that for others.
I feel like we have to do a lot of these.
Fancy fucking research to make sense
of our humanity when it's really about.
The basic human experience, basic
and complex at the same time.
But there's so much research
about emotional intelligence,
leadership, resolving conflict,
um, embracing vulnerable
conversations into the workplace.
Gentle parenting conscious
parenting all this.
When the core of the message is to
understand and accept our humanity.
Is to give each other.
Grace is to meet each other
where the person is needed.
Where the other person needs to meet you.
Sometimes that's not halfway.
Sometimes that's more than half way.
Because that's where they
are in their humanity.
Everything is about
returning to our humanity.
When you hear about someone's
like, oh, you've changed.
Oh, you've changed.
Have grown into this different person.
It's actually about
returning to who you are.
Peeling back all the layers.
Getting rid of all the junk to return to
who you were meant to be the whole time.
And that's the thing about
internalize oppression is like
it hides who we are because of
the conditionings we've received.
And when we do the work to unpack that.
Oh, and it looks like personal development
when it looks like emotional awareness.
It's essentially really returning to
your core returning to your humanity.
That's why this work is important.
Coaching is not a gimmick.
Coaching is not a tax write off.
Coaching is not a joke.
Coaching is about helping people
return to their humanity and standing
for that and being an example of that
understanding and accepting their own.
So they could do it for their
community, for their family, for
themselves, for their children.
That's what this is about.
We could put fancy terms on it.
We can name it something else.
But that's what this is really about.
It's about our humanity.
It's about removing the places
where we assimilate and standing
in our own personal leadership.
And it's not easy.
It can be very painful.
Because sometimes the
conditionings that are not for us.
Are so familiar are so comfortable
because they're familiar.
And when we want to step beyond that.
It's very uncomfortable
and it can be painful.
And you agree being a loss of
an identity that you built.
That was not true.
This is all about returning to who
you are, who you want to be, what
you stand for, what you value.
What is your personal leadership?
Anything that tells you
Wise is not for you.
This is what this is about.
Your humanity is not something too.
Be joking about, is to take light of.
That's what I a.
I needed to get that out.
Let me know what you think.
Humanity is how we change
and save the world.
It's how we truly learn how to agree
to disagree, how we truly learn
to accept each other's differences
without making it a problem.
How we understand that competition is
community competition is not the enemy.
What if we were all on the same team.
Competition is community.
It's healthy.
Healthy competition.
We are on the same team.
What if.
We're able to create that.
Through understanding and
accepting our humanity.
Let me know what you think.
Email and the show notes
hit me up on LinkedIn.
I'll see you on the next episode.